Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Waiting is the Hardest Part

It has now been 8 days since the transfer and I haven't blogged since last Monday so I guess I need to get everyone up to date...

We were able to do the transfer as my lining grew to 11 mm which is wonderful. The clinic was running really behind that day, so we had to wait quite a while. We didn't mind though. We were just so excited to be able to go through with the transfer. Everything went well, we were sent home with next step instructions, and told to make our appointment for the pregnancy blood test for Friday, December 2nd. I came home and was pampered by Rhett and my mom for the remainder of the week. My mom cleaned the whole house and made a lovely Thanksgiving meal.There were many laughs shared between the three of us, and I felt totally at ease. It was so great having so much together time! I'm so blessed to have such a great family.

I went back to school this past Monday and have been so tired! I know it's just the getting back into the swing of things, and the fact that I was on bed rest all break and now on my feet a ton more at school! It has seemed as though the days are just dragging by, I can't wait for Friday to come! Of course I'm nervous too but I'm staying positive and telling myself it will be wonderful news. I get the blood test at 9 a.m. but won't know the results until later that day. Please keep praying and sending your thoughts! Love to you all!

Here are some pictures from transfer day!


  1. I'll be sending you both positive vibes all week! -collie b. witt

  2. I've been praying and hoping the best for you - Dad

  3. Praying for you both! Vicki H

  4. My love and prayers are coming your way. Love mom

  5. Good luck to ALL of you! I too have struggled with PCOS, and Jackson was a medical miracle baby, and seven long years later, Jenavieve! It can happen, we are proof! Love and prayers!
    Love You Cuz,
    Jennie L

  6. Love you honey, keeping my fingers crossed and throwing up as many prayers as possible for tomorrow's results! It'll be a great way to start the weekend!!!

  7. Thinking of you and praying for you and Rhett Bails!!!!! Lots of love from Atlanta!!

  8. Thinking about y'all this morning! Lucy and I are saying lots of prayers for you guys!
