Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Snowy Birthday

 As I awoke Monday morning I looked in the mirror and noticed that my face was still peeling from the sunburn I received last Sunday, while basking in 80 degree temps, only to realize a few seconds later, that on April 18th ( Rhett's B-day) we have been "blessed" by a blanket of snow. Seriously, Chicago, really?
 I didn't let this sudden mood swing of weather get me down though, I had taken the day off to spend it with Rhett! He had to work a few hours in the morning so I rode out to Oakbrook with him and went into work with donuts in tow, to meet his coworkers. Then I ran some errands and we went to a lovely lunch at Wildfire and then to see the movie, "Source Code" which we both enjoyed. We had an awesome time spending some QT together. I am thankful for everyday I have with Rhett, and told Rhett on Monday I really should send his mom and dad a thank-you card, they do good work. So thanks, Bob and Jan for giving me the best present ever, your son!!


In other news, I think the manic weather changes have taken their toll on me. I started feeling under the weather yesterday and awoke today, feeling full fledged SICK. I called in sick this morning, two days in a week missing work, don't think I'll be getting "teacher of the month" ha. But I think sleep was what I needed. I slept until 10:30, and for those of you who know me well, this is not common practice for me! I'm hoping to feel better soon so I can run again tomorrow! Thanks so much for all your donations! I'm more than halfway there!