So 2016 was off to a great start. We came back from Ohio and got unpacked, played in the snow, played with our new toys, and generally just got acclimated after our week long stay in Ohio over the holidays.
A few weeks after being home, I was due to go in for my 34 week appt. I had been feeling some pressure already so asked Rhett to take me. Turns out I was already dilated and baby's head was super low! Having had the twins so early, this caused us to be quite concerned. We knew that keeping me off my feet as much as possible would keep baby in longer but this is easier said than done with two, two year olds! Then Grammy (Rhett's mom) came to the rescue and flew from Arizona and is going to stay til baby comes. She's been amazing cooking, cleaning, and taking care of Rhett, the twins, and myself! We are so lucky to have her here!