Wednesday, October 24, 2012

All Aboard the IVF Train!

Well after a nice hiatus Rhett and I ready to board the IVF train again. This past month has been filled with shots and patches and mood swings (pray for Rhett). But Transfer Day is almost upon us. This Friday, October 26th, we will be placing 3 beautiful embryos back to me and pray and hope and will a successful outcome! I have been so busy with school and just life in general that I honestly haven't given it too much thought and I can't believe it's almost here! My mom is coming up to help me while on bed rest with cooking, cleaning, and watching chick flicks (again, pray for Rhett) and I am so looking forward to some qt with two of my favorite people in the world. I have taken Friday off of work for the transfer and then Monday as well to give those embies some time to nestle in for the next nine months!

So here's to our fifth IVF cycle...let's make this one a winner!




  1. Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way. Through your writing it is evident how much love is present. Praying for you on this journey.

  2. Good luck tomorrow!! I am having cheese fries tonight for dinner for good luck! :) We will be thinking about you and hoping and praying tomorrow. Enjoy your weekend of relaxing and pampering!

  3. Let's do it babe, I'm ready and I know you are!!! Love you honey, I'll make sure the homenest is ready for your and our babies arrival!

  4. While reading your article I've forgot that topic of article is IVF treatment. You are a good writer and this post is very nicely written.

