Tuesday, November 20, 2012


There is so much to be thankful for this time of year, and all the other days of the year for that matter too. This Thanksgiving, Rhett and I have two very special, very little people to be thankful for, our precious little sweet peas that are snuggling up inside mommy. I always hoped and prayed for the day that God would bless us with a child, and it was well worth the wait, as He gave us a double blessing. I thank God every night for this amazing gift that has been bestowed upon us. We truly feel like the luckiest people in the world!

We had our ultrasound last Thursday that showed our precious little ones (this week the size of two little lentil beans) and it was the coolest moment ever! Right away we saw the gestational sacs with their little yolks pop right up! We were over the moon with joy, relief, and love! Since then I have been overjoyed, exhausted, and nauseous, but I will take anything this pregnancy brings, as I am just so happy I feel like nothing can let me down!

Rhett of course, has been amazing. Doing everything, cooking, cleaning, taking care of the boys (I think he's ready for a yard) and getting me anything my heart desires. I look at how well he takes care of me and I feel so blessed to know these babies are going to have the most amazing father in the world.

On Thanksgiving we are headed to my brother and sister and law's house and I can't wait to hang out with them and play with my adorable lil niece, Lucy. She will be an amazing cousin to our little sweet peas. The day after Thanksgiving will be filled with more celebration, as Rhett and I have our second ultrasound appointment in which we see the little heartbeats! We can't wait!

We hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Bailey, Rhett, and our two lil peas in a pod


  1. Love you babe, there is a lot to be thankful for and thanks to everyone's thoughts and prayers, keep them coming!!!

  2. Know that Mom and I will be with the four of you in thought. It is those thoughts, the memories of you two, and the knowledge that prayers have been answered that make this Thanksgiving a special time one for giving thanks and for celebrating. May the Good Lord continue to smile down upon you and us. God Bless you all Mom and Dad S.
