This title doesn't refer to our chances of getting preggers this Friday, because I am very hopeful, more to the literal meaning this saying has taken in our lives! Our nightly routine in the Stenzel Household goes as follows:
1. crashing on the couch ( I won't even admit how early it is)
2. being woken up by my dear hubby to get a few shots ( poor guy doesn't get home til 8, and in this neck of the woods, the sun as long since said it's good-byes, hence the "shot in the dark")
3. stumbling to the bed to pass out with a heating pad on injection site (we'll leave that site to the imagination)
4. waking up to a burning feeling and promptly turning off and throwing said heating pad to the floor.
I know, I lead an exciting life, watch out! But it truly will all be worth it. When the kids start to misbehave I'll show this a pic of what I had to endure to get them (totally kidding, of course, I think we'll leave the whole science aspect of their conception in the vault of things you never tell your kids) but in case you are curious here is one of my nightly shots..
The pictures don't do the needle justice, but take my word for it, it's HUGE! This shot is the progesterone shot that Rhett gives me to help prep my uterus for the transfer. I get another shot in the stomache called Lupron to supress some hormones that we don't want to elevate. I wear nightly patches to increase estrogen, take baby aspirin to increase blood flow to the uterus, a prenantal, and an antibiotic (not sure why I take this). As you can imagine, I have a check list by the fridge to make sure I've done it all!
In other news, my mini-vaca has officially begun. I took tomorrow off for some R&R, and am going to sleep in, have an acupuncture treatment, watch a chick flick, and just generally take it easy before the big day! Friday we have the transfer, and they will call me tomorrow with the official time. (I will be sure to post the time when I find out, so you know when to pray like crazy for us on Friday! ) My mom comes in town around 6 on Friday to help take care of me and hang out during my bed rest! I will be resting Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday and head back to work on Tuesday. I am not going to lie, really looking forward to some pampering!
I was reminded today of how much I can't wait to be a mommy....
We are starting a "Pennies for Patients" drive to help raise money for children who have Lymphoma and Leukemia. I had the first and second graders gather around me and we talked about what cancer is and how we are going to raise money to help sick kids. They had sweet, innocent questions that I answered to the best of my ability and then I handed out their collection boxes and sent them off to pack up to go home. One little girl in my class came up to me and said, "I have 100 cents, Mrs. Stenzel!" I was thrilled she knew 4 quarters were a hundred cents. I then saw her go back to her seat and put all 4 quarters in her box. She had earned the money and brought it to buy lollipops at the end of the day, she said she would rather give it to sick kids instead... I love the innocence and love that children exhibit, how selfless and loving they can be, I can't wait to instill these values and beliefs in our future children... so bring on the shots, they will be distant memory when we hold our baby full of innocence, wonder, and love for the first time.